Monday, February 29, 2016

About learning that I am INFP

Hello, my name is Asma and I have an INFP type personality.

This is my confession.

I never truly knew that I was this type of person. However, now I've realized that I can't be changed.

Introversion - I've always been seriously introverted and slightly extroverted.
iNtuition - I have always had big dreams.
Feeling - I felt more than I thought.
Perceiving - I like to take things as they come and follow my own path.

With this personality type, I can be an artist, art director, musician, novelist or poet. Which I plan to be all. Hehe.  

Ah, learning about yourself is hard.


This system is called the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator based on Carl Jung's theories on personality types. The questionnaire was created by Katherine Cooks Briggs and her daughter Isabel Myers-Briggs in the 1940's. I like this system of picking a person's personality because it also helps them figure out what job they are good at.

When I create my production company(ies), I will ask people who I hire to take this quiz or ask if they ever had taken it before they start working, so they and their coworkers can understand each other better. Many people can be placed into jobs where they can be sure to succeed, like directors, camera people, instructors, talent managers, and consultants.

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