Sunday, September 18, 2016

Why Hoseok deserves all of the love.

There is a reason why I don't talk about BTS (or Bangtan) that much on this blog. Even though I genuinely love them, I feel like I'm going to be another internet Army saying some more mess and I don't want to do that to my boys.

Instead, I just wanted to say what was on my mind for a longest time. I'm going to make this quick because it doesn't need anymore hashing out.* I've been watching more people react to J-Hope's Sexy Moments today because more Hobi fans have made complilations than before. The reactors kept bring up his V-live in Tokyo where he voluntarily left the broadcast he started to Jimin because people were rudely calling for other members.

I realized that I also saying the same things the reactors said: "Hoseok is so cute, I don't see him as sexy. I probably will after this video, though." Then I kept remembering how anti-fans started a petition to kick him out of the group because they thought he was ugly.

I'm sure there's no more issue about this now but I just wanted to say all of the things I've been thinking about.

I believe now that in order to be a J-Hope stan, you have to be the strongest human being ever. He is the best of every quality. A person who can be so sticky-sweet cute and fun, yet intensely hot and sexy. He looks great in everything; he has the most diverse expressions; he can dance, sing, act, rap and make catchy songs. Through my personally self-discovery journey this year, I have learned that I ignore things or people I can't handle. If I were a stronger person, my bias would have absolutely be J-Hope. If I can just barely handle Jimin and if I can identify with Suga in my own spiritual way, then J-Hope is just the next level for me to climb. After sincerely watching some Hope-related videos today, I definitely appreciate him way more than I did before. He is a ray of sunshine and the angel of my KPop death. He is someone who has always and genuinely been himself since the very beginning.

I hope that in the new album, all of the members can be equally shown off in all of their gorgeousness. I could use a little more Hope. :)

If you consider yourself a secure person in your identity, stan Hoseok and show your overwhelming love. If not, I hope Hobi realizes how deadly he is one day.

Mini-rant over. Clocking out. See you soon.

J-Hope kisses - mwah mwah mwah

image credits: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Re-read this sentence I wrote: "I'm going to make this quick because it doesn't need anymore hashing out." I realized that this was the problem all along. To treat Hoseok with genuine fandom as I thought I was doing, I should not have said that. I thought that everybody would understand that J-Hope was already great. They do, but come on, Asma, seriously? Honestly, I could talk about Hopi until the sun goes down and up for the next day and the day after. He is so bias-worthy and lovable that to not talk about him exclusively is a disservice to BTS X ARMY in general. I glossed over him like water and without a second thought. HOW dare I? I apologize to J-Hope (crying).  I love you, too. (refer to @BTS_twt)

1 comment:

Geek Girl said...

I love Hobi so much. 💜💜💜