Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Asma's Diary Throw-up #15

Gather round, everyone, for I will share to thee a story.

There was once a girl with finals a week away and struggling to make ends meet. 

One day, she decided that because she was mad at the world and its reluctance to acknowledge her efforts and hard work that she spent over $600 on BTS merchandise.

Giddy over her extravagance, she want to sleep dreaming about the seven beautiful faces she would see and swoon over in two weeks.

The next day, she began thinking straight again. She started rationalizing what would her father who was all the way around the world would say.

She cried out to the universe, “This is simply for educational purposes!”

"I’m studying all the things that make BTS great, like I would do for other groups and bands I love. This was just the first step."

"I still have to buy the concert DVDs and season’s greetings when they come back in stock... OhMyGOD! Where did my money down go?"

She immediately transferred the rest of her money from her checking to savings.

She tried to tell herself it was like she gave herself an early congratulations for working hard this semester and her gift would come after the finals.

P.S. 1
You probably already guessed that the protagonist of this story is ME. I don’t know if it was jealously or a trigger finger that caused me to wile out, but I clearly can’t take it back now. I definitely wasn’t in a stable state of mind. But, I’m going to stand in my fandom and I will buy more later.

P.S. 2
I’m going out for finals for the next two weeks. But stay tuned for end of the year list for this year in music, movies and etc.

P.S. 3
Also, to my family, don’t tell me what not to do something, because don’t think I won’t do it! Cause I did. Wow! $600!

I wish everybody luck on their finals this semester. See you soon.

image credits: 1

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