Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Diary Throw-up #10 - Thinking about you.

Hi, everyone, it's me Asma.
I missed you guys and writing on the blog.

Guess what I passed my driving test. On the FIRST try! I've been so incredulous for a week now. I haven't driven on my own yet because these last two weeks have been so hectic. I was thinking about recording it. I'll hopefully have my Baabo's (Dad) car for the summer and start getting familiar with my new independence.

I'll start seriously blogging again after I buy myself a couple of new things. I'll probably show them to you later.

I also been thinking about getting a job for the summer to save more money. #sigh

It's going to be Ramadan soon. Is everyone ready? I'm not. Every year I feel like Ramadan sneaks up in you. Or maybe it feels that way when you haven't been the best Muslim. This Ramadan is the first one we would have spent at home after we went to Somaliland. Ramadan in Somaliland is the best.

Anyway, it was nice talking to you guys again. After I buy a couple things and became more settled, I'll wrote more and share more. Follow me on my listed socials and inundate yourself with me. Hehe.
Just Kidding.

Much love.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Asma's Daily Throw-up #9

Hi, everyone. I decided to take a short break from blogging due to my sprained wrists. Obviously I haven't developed the proper muscles to write/type every night. I am wearing braces on both hands right now and feeling annoyed as hell. But for the better of the progress of this blog, a break is better to gather my scattered thoughts and strengthen my wrists. The longest I might be gone is probably a month, perhaps more, The shortest might be two weeks. Hopefully fully healed, I hope to return with better material. Maybe even a driver's licence. *pray for me*

As always, thank you for reading. See you soon.

PS. If you want to keep in touch with my "adventures through entertainment", follow me on practically every social media source under the name "qualitywithoutilmo" or "qualityw_ilmo". My thumbs and pointer fingers work fine.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Asma's Daily Throw-up #8

Sorry I haven't been posting as much, you guys. A lot of things have happened this week and I wanted to keep you updated.

  1. So many comebacks and great music that I want to sing but can't in this house
  2. So many posts I've started writing but concluded and watched the window of relevancy closing.
  3. My family pissing me off at every turn
  4. Being sleep deprived trying to write stuff so my family is not up to bother me
  5. Learning that I use music and movies to distracting me from facing my truth
  6. Pressuring myself to drive better in order to get my driver's license faster
  7. Thinking about the future 
  8. Thinking about all of the projects I started wasting in my drafts folder
  9. My wrists hurt from typing so much
  10. Time going both fast and slow for me to gather my thoughts and express them
This is only the TOP TEN things... sigh.

There are so many things I want to say. Twitter is good for that and to keep updated on things. But sometimes it's not enough. You have to write your thoughts out long-form for them to make sense to you. I hope you can follow my madness and mood swings and enjoy the stuff I put out. Even though the majority of it is unprofessional and fangirl-ish. 

Thank you, 