Wednesday, June 22, 2016

MADTOWN -- Emotion - EP : Review

This won't be your typical review. I'm going to a little scatter-brained because this past week has taken a toll on me mentally and physically. this will be a little bit of me rabbling like I'm doing now, fangirling, being confused and not at all professional.

First of all: Visuals. 

Bam. Eat your heart out. What do you do in a group of all handsome and talented men? Stan them all. No way around it. No turning back.



Second: The Music Video.

This all happened within the first viewing of the video.

Oh my god, Moos is singing. His voice, argh. He smiled at me!
Heojun, starting it off. look at you acting depressed.
Daewonie!!! ILY. Oh, you're so ~cute~.
Lee Geon, arrgh!!! Why does your voice have to be so sweet? Why, with your half smile like you know your killing it?
Jota! Wow. wow. wow! And in the chorus, your voice is candy.
Buffy's rap did not disappointment. I found the teaser part!
H.O. Buddy. I love your voice, ok? It's so full and mature. You have blessed me indeed.

20th viewing:

Moos: Whoa, everyone, back up. He smiled at me.
Heojun: I like you, sir
Daewon: Daewonie!!! (I'm sorry. I can't help it :)
Lee Geon: 2:57-2:58. I can't anymore. There's no energy left to give.
Jota: You gonna be an actor now, too, buddy ? In the comments, I keep seeing #prayforjinkyung, as in beware the wrath of the girl he's "married" to on "We Got Married". Is she really that tough?
Buffy: I agree with you. I was afraid that Madtown couldn't own a mid-tempo song as a promotional song. But you did it! (Here I cried, because I was just so darn proud.)
H.O: I seriously want you to be the next John Mayer. You have the voice. You can play the guitar. Facial skills are a must and you have them.

Third: Behind The Scenes of Jacket Photos and MV

Jota is such a cheese in front of the camera.
Moos, why you do you do that??? Why do you have look into the hearts all fans, even those you aren't biased for you, and make their eyes fall out of their heads? Then he goes back to cute when he did his signature dance and laughing.
Daewon showed us a sneak peak of the choreography points. Plus, his smile. I can't handle it.
H.O being cute and lovable with his wizard glasses.
Buffy being Buffy. I have no words to explain him. Only he knows.
Lee Geon was so happy to be coming back, he was dancing and acting a fool. Urgh. Just urgh.
Heojun playing with the maknae and being irresistible.

Fourth: The EP/mini-album Emotion 

I bought the album like I said I would. This is how I realized I'm not a ride-or-die kind of girl. I questioned myself many times about whether I really needed to buy it, then whether I should buy it. But compared to how long I would have to wait for translations and digital copies online, I decided to buy it as long as it was under 10 dollar.s Guess what? It was 5 dollars and I happily to give Madtown my two cents. 5 dollars for 5 songs, get it? If in the future they release a full album, and I am more finically stable, I'll get that too.
Lie got caught off. Sorry.
Physical albums are a no-go for me right now. I need my own space and 1000 dollars to buy everything, including BTS's stuff. No talking about BTS in a Madtown post! Oops.

Fifth: The Songs

I've been listening to the album all day. I still have no idea what to do with myself. I don't know if I should dance or cry. If I should be excited or depressed. If I should be thankful for great new music or wishing they stuck to their old sound. This evolution is necessary but hard to digest in one day, but I still love it.

I'll give my brief, incoherent thoughts on each song.

Intro: Madtown always puts an instrumental of their title song on their albums, like many other groups do. It's just at the beginning now.

Emptiness: Again, Moos sang, so only Buffy rapped. To be honest, I wished that Moos, Heojun and Daewon got more, but I think the song would be a little full. H.O and Lee Geon's voices are literally the lifebloods of this song. Jota makes sure to remind you again that he is a singer in the chorus while you're holding your chest in the pain. Lee Geon's ad libs are torture to listen to. I can't wait to see it all come together live.

Yah!: I remember that I said on Twitter how cool it would be if Pro C and Lee Geon made a song together. I think this is it. Except it's just Buffy and Lee Geon. If there are any Somali readers, tell me. If I said the beginning riff sounded like something for a Somali song, would I be wrong? This is the song that confused me. It was so out of the blue that I didn't know what to do. I seriously think I sat with my mouth open for the first 3 times I replayed it, and at the 4th I grooved with it. I want to see the translation for this song especially cuz I know Buffy was saying something.

Get out: Yes, Jota I know what it is, it's a Madtown trap beat. This is a Buffy song. Did you hear how he was rocking with it in the first verse? I think this is the longest Daewon and Heojun sang for in any song. H.O's voice was awesome. I sing with Lee Geon at the chorus. I tried really hard but couldn't hear Moos's voice. I'm not sure if I missed him or if he was the deep voice whispering. I really want to see this and its dance live.

Lie: Instead of "La, la, la", they used "Lie, lie, lie". Clever, right? It featured Moos's first rap in the whole album. This needs to be preformed in front of a band because the guitar and drums were too much for the feels.

Looking back, I wish we could have gotten more songs, but of the ones that we do have I cherish and appreciate. I'm going to wait for the translations for the songs will jamming out/crying, the performances on music shows, and the comeback interviews. I know they work hard, worry lots, and sleep little to perform exceptionally at the job of their dreams. Thank you, Madtown and I look forward to seeing the shenanigans that will follow through in the next couple weeks. Take care of yourselves. 

With love, a MadPerson. 
Still my wallpaper.
Whoo! Today was exhausting...
Now return back to your regularly scheduled programming. Thanks for reading.

image credits: 1

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