Sunday, January 3, 2016

I cried when I watched "Annie".

Quvenzhané Wallis was so beautiful. Seriously. She was funny and quick. Taking me back to the various 90's child actors I liked so much. Wallis will become a great actress when she grows up and I can't wait to see her develop.

The story is similar to the original, with a few modern twists. It was a great script and the awesome visuals challenged the audience's exceptions and prejudices about getting into the movie. It was mesmerizing. The secondary characters, like the characters played by Jamie Foxx and Cameron Diaz, showed off Wallis's subtle command of her surroundings.

The songs were beautiful. They were Mary Poppins-esque, some fun and some sad and realistic. It was when she sang about herself being a orphan that I couldn't control my waterworks. The emotions were palpable.

The sentiment that I felt with this film was that it was a movie for black people who've wanted to see themselves on the big screen. Any negative comments were outweighed by the performances of Wallis and Foxx, who surprised me as well. 

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